UG Prospectus 2025
86 General NursingDC215 General Nursing is offered in partnershipwithDCUand our partner services, Beaumont Hospital andConnolly Hospital Blanchardstown. General nurses promotewellness, health education and self-management to empower people to achieve their maximumhealth potential across the health continuumand lifespan in ever evolving health care settings. Fundamental to general nursing practice is an empathetic and collaborative relationship between the nurse and the person that is based on trust, understanding, compassion, support and serves to empower the person tomake shared decisions regarding their care. Throughout the 4 years youwill have excellent opportunities to develop knowledge and skills relevant to general nursing practice, including independent and critical thinking and problem-solving. This offers an opportunity tomake a difference, and a career with excellent employment prospects both nationally and internationally. Mental HealthNursingDC216 Mental HealthNursing 4 year degree course provides youwith the knowledge, skills and attitudes tomeet the needs of the person and their family as they journey through the challenges of mental health difficulty. The course content will include nursing interventions for mental health care and learning about contemporary approaches to care. Clinical practical placements are provided in partnershipwith DCUand our partner services - NorthDublinMental Health Service, DublinNorth CityMental Health Service, St Vincent’s Hospital, Fairviewand theNational ForensicMental Health Service. The clinical practice placements will be in a variety of settings including acute mental health units, community nursing teams, hostels, day hospitals and specialist services. During the 4 year course youwill develop therapeutic interpersonal nursing skills and self-awareness to effectively work withinmental health services. Once qualified, mental health nurses can diversity and progress their career through continued study at graduate level. This can lead to a career inmanagement, clinical specialist practice, advanced practice, clinical research or teaching at clinical or university level. Intellectual DisabilityNursingDC217 An Intellectual DisabilityNurse is a professional, whoworks autonomously and collaboratively to provide person-centred care and support to persons of all ages, with a variety of abilities and capabilities. The nurse employs therapeutic interventions and skilled interpersonal approaches to provide this care across numerous states of health andwellbeing and promotingwellness. The values and skills inherent in this nursing course enables the nurse to support and empower peoplewith an intellectual disability across their lifespan, building relationships with the person and their families grounded in human rights, inclusion, advocacy and support to live as independent a life as possible. Children’s andGeneral Nursing (integrated) DC218 AChildren’s andGeneral Nurse plays a critical role in fostering the health andwellbeing of individuals across the lifespan, taking into account their physical, psychological, emotional, social and spiritual needs. This 4.5 year full-time course is offered in partnershipwith our affiliated partner hospitals fromboth the public and private healthcare sectors. The course content will include nursing interventions for children’s and general nursing practice. Throughout the course youwill have excellent opportunities to develop your knowledge and skills relevant to children’s and general nursing practice, including independent and critical thinking, evidence-based care and problem- solving. This course offers you a chance tomake a difference and offers a career with excellent employment prospects. Upon graduation youwill be qualified to register as a registeredChildren’s Nurse and a registeredGeneral Nurse. BSc inNursing Ensure individuals and communities enjoy the best health possible On successful completion of our 4NursingDegrees, youwill be eligible to apply to register with An BoardAltranis agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann (Nursing andMidwifery Board of IrelandNMBI) as a RegisteredNurse in your specialist course.
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