UG Prospectus 2025

66 Physics General Entry Apply the science of physics to unravel themysteries of the universe BSc in Physics withDataAnalytics (Entry viaDC175 Physics General Entry) DCUSchool of Physical Sciences in collaborationwith partners across DCUand industry offers this ground-breaking course, where you will combine the skills and knowledge of Physics with the advanced data analytics tools you need to solve real-world problems in newand excitingways. Youwill enter BSc in Physics withDataAnalytics via the Physics General Entry route (DC175), confirming your choice at the end of Year 1. In Years 1 and 2 the basic foundations of physics, maths, and programmingwill be laid. This is achieved through a combination of lectures, onlinematerial, tutorials, stimulating physical and virtualised laboratory work, and projects that allow you to explore both fundamental physics alongwith exciting real-life technological applications. In Year 3, youwill explore fundamentals such as quantumand statistical physics, and youwill have the opportunity to undertake a period of paidwork placement (INTRA) or optionally spend your placement working in one of the research groups in the School of Physical Sciences or DCUaffiliated research centres, where youwill assist with cutting-edge research projects. In Year 4, youwill learn about digital signal and image processing, quantumcomputing, advancedmachine learning, and artificial intelligence alongwith additional choicemodules. Youwill also conduct your Year 4 project inDCU’s world-class laboratories and research centres, while a second part of the final year project will teamyou up into interdisciplinary teams tackling industrial led real-life problems in a collaborative, challengingmanner. BSc inApplied Physics (Entry viaDC175 Physics General Entry) This course provides an excellent physics foundation and invaluable laboratory experience, with an overarching emphasis on real-life technological skills and applications. The analytical abilities and problem-solving skills youwill developwill alsomake you a standout candidate on the jobmarket and serve you throughout your career. Youwill enter BSc in Applied Physics via the Physics General Entry route (DC175), confirming your choice at the end of Year 1. This course combines lectures, tutorials and stimulating laboratory work and projects with fundamental physics concepts and exciting, real-life technological skills and applications. The basic foundations of physics, mathematics and programmingwill be laid in Years 1 and 2, while in Years 3 and 4, youwill study a range of topics in greater depth. You can choose froma number of specialist topics, such as nanotechnology, computational physics, instrumentation, semiconductor materials, plasma physics andmicrofluidics. Your INTRAwork placement in Year 3, and the final year project in Year 4will allow you to apply your skills and demonstrate your abilities in tackling and solving real problems, andwill enable you to bring together all the knowledge and experience gained fromprevious modules studied. BSc in Physics withAstronomy (Entry viaDC175 Physics General Entry) The oldest of the sciences, astronomy is an almost boundless field, encompassing aspects of physics, astronomy, astrophysics, and the growing field of space science and technology. Alongwith the fundamentals of physics and astronomy, the Physics with Astronomy curriculum includes optics, high-end computing, and image processing. Over the duration of this course, youwill have the chance to learn about observational astronomy and the instruments and techniques used to study the stars and can look forward toworkingwith real astronomical data including X-ray data collected by XMM-Newton telescope. Throughout the course, there is an emphasis on laboratory experience, and youwill have the opportunity to collaboratewith professional DCUastronomers whosework is at the forefront of international astronomical research. This will develop your analytical and problem-solving skills. Youwill enter BSc in Physics with Astronomy via the Physics General Entry route (DC175), confirming your choice at the end of Year 1. In Years 1 and 2 youwill learn the basic foundations of physics and the fundamentals of Space Science andAstronomy. In Years 3 and 4 youwill studymore advanced topics, such as Stellar Physics, Astronomical Techniques andCosmology, where youwill learn themodern theories of star formation and evolution, and the theory of multi-wavelength observations. During the INTRAwork placement in Year 3 andworking on the challenge-based astronomy related project in Year 4, youwill have a chance to apply the skills you’ve learned to real- life problems under the guidance of professional astronomers.