UG Prospectus 2025
181 NoteOne: General Entry Requirements Applicantsmust present aminimumof 6 Leaving Certificate subjects at GradeO6/H7, whichmust include Mathematics and English or Gaeilge. In addition, applicants must present at least 2 subjects at GradeH5. In addition to theGeneral Entry Requirements, applicants must present Specific Course Requirements, if applicable, as outlined on each course page under ‘Additional Requirements’. NoteTwo: BA inApplied Language andTranslation Studies (DC155) In addition to theGeneral Entry Requirements for admission to theUniversity (seeNOTEONE), the following entry requirements apply: GradeH4 at Higher level in a relevant foreign language (French, German or Spanish) at LeavingCertificate level (or equivalent). Students can spend Year 4 studying at a partner university in the country of one of their chosen language. Music Requirements DC009 – BA: Joint Honours -Music - In addition to theGeneral Entry Requirements for admission to theUniversity (seeNote One), the following entry requirements apply: if an applicant accepts a place onDC009 and selectsMusic on the BA: Joint Honours, awritten advisory test will be administered in the first week of term. For more information, please visit DC014 – BA in Jazz andContemporaryMusic Performance - In addition to theGeneral Entry Requirements for admission to theUniversity (seeNoteOne), the following entry requirements apply: Applicants will be expected to take an audition/performance pre-registrationwhich is followed by a short interview, which takes place lateMarch/early April and a second round takes place in early July to accommodate Change ofMind and/or late applicants. For more information, please visit NoteThree: LeavingCertificateMathematics Requirements TheUniversity does not award points for the subject Mathematics at LeavingOrdinary Alternative or Foundation Level. This subject will be accepted for admission purposes into theUniversity courses listed on page 174. Accredited EngineeringCourses Through international agreement made by Engineers Ireland, Chartered Engineer accreditation is recognised by the IET (UK) and by EUnations through FEANI. It is also recognised by theUSA, Canada, NewZealand, Australia, and many other countries through theWashington Accord. OnlyMasters awards can achieve Engineers IrelandChartered Engineer accreditation. Upon successful completion of Year 4 of your BEng (Hons) degree, and subject tomeeting the relevant entry requirements, youwill have the option to continue your studies onDCU’sMasters in the relevant area. BEng andMEng in Electronic andComputer Engineering (Year 5 option) DC190 BEng andMEng inMechatronic Engineering (Year 5 option) DC193 BEng andMEng inMechanical and Sustainability Engineering (Year 5 option) DC194 BEng andMEng inMechanical andManufacturing Engineering (Year 5 option) DC195 BEng andMEng in Biomedical Engineering (Year 5 option) DC197
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